Born Pretty Store Palm Tree Water Decals Review

Hi guys! Today I"ll show you how to use water decals. This palm tree water decals are from Born Pretty Store. They are perfect if you can't draw or if you just don't have enough time to do your nails. You can find the decals here for $2.53. I really like them because they are very easy to use, there are many different shapes and sizes and you can achieve professional looking nail art design. These palm tree water decals are available in two colours - black and orange.

To use these water decals you have to cut out the design you want, to remove the foil and then to put them in a glass with room temperature water for abour 15-20 seconds. Then you have to place them on a napkin to absorb the water. Then you can take the palm tree very easy with your finger.

For my nail design I've created a gradient with blue and gold polish and then I added the palm tree water decals. This design is perfect for the summer and for your holiday.

You can see this nail art design and how to use the water decals in the video below:


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