Flamingo Water Decals Nail Art Design - Nicole Diary Review

I always enjoy it when I see a flamingo in the Zoo. They are so cute with their pink feathers. And when I saw these water stickers from Nicole Diary I couldn't resist. Nicole Diary is a brand focused in selling nail art decorations, water decals, stamping plates and stampers and a lot more. You can find their shops on Amazon and Aliexpress by searching 'Nicole Diary' in the search box. 

For the manicure I started with black polish on all nails. On the ring finger I applied one of the full sized water decals and on the index finger I used one of the flamingos and a lief. If you have trouble applying water decals check out this blog post for all the steps. 

If you order something from Nicole Diary you can use this coupon code Ma2016 in the order note and they will send you a small gift worth $2-$5.


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