Nicole Diary Stamping Plate ND111 Review

Hello! Today I have another review of a stamping plate from the brand Nicole Diary. They have shops on Amazon and Aliexpress, where you can find a great variety of nail art decorations, stamping plates, nail polish and a lot more. If you order something you can use this coupon code Ma2016 in the order note and they will send you small gift worth $2-$5. 
The stamping plate I will show you today is ND111. It's a square plate, 6 x 6 sm, with 6 different geometric and abstract images. The designs are pretty big, so they are perfect for longer nails. You can find this plate here for $1.04.

All stamping plates from Nicole Diary have really cute cardboard sleeve for a storage. The sleeve has a hole in the back, so you can easily find the plate you're looking for. 

All of the designs transfers great on the stamper without smudging. Here are all of the images on the nails:

I stamped with black stamping polish also from Nicole Diary and a clear jelly stamper. You can check out my opinion for the stamping polish here
This ND111 stamping plate is perfect if you like geometric designs. The images are big enough, so you don't have to worry if you have long nails. The quality is great and the price is perfect for the budget. 


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