Holographic Snowflakes Water Decals Nail Art Design Tutorial

In todays post I want to show you some super cute water decals from They have a lot of different designs and the best thing - you can choose the colour of the decal and you can even make them holographic. How cool is that? Another super cool feature is that the decals are precut, which means you don't need scissors. You just unstick the decal from the paper, place it in water for 60 seconds and then you easily slide it from the second paper. The water decals are on a 7 by 9 sm sheet. They also come in 3 different sizes, so they can fit any type of nails. 

For my manicure I applied silver holographic polish on my thumb, index and little finger, and red shimmer polish on the other nails. Then I added a top coat and placed the snowflake water decals. My snowflakes are mixture of silver holo and blue colour. Finally I sealed everything with another coat of top coat. You can check out the video below for a full tutorial.


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