Beauty Big Bang Mirror Powder

Hello! Today's post is my second review for Beauty Big Bang. This time I tried their mirror powder. These powders works best with a gel polish, but as I said in my previous post I don't use gel, so I'm trying this mirror powder over regular nail polish. 
This silver mirror chrome nail powder (SKU:J2949) can be used over any color. I tried it with five different colors - yellow, grey, purple, pink and blue. As you can see it works great with every one of them. The powder comes in a little pot with an applicator. 
One important thing I want to say: Don't forget to use a liquid latex, because this powder is impossible to clean. 

Video tutorial:

If you like something from the Beauty Big Bang site you can use my coupon code: MNA1 for 10% off. They offer free worldwide shipping over 1 item and you can pay with Paypal or credit card. 


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